Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Bridal shoot at Arley Hall - product and places photography

I've been a Cheshire wedding photographer for nine years now and in that time have got to know many of the other leading wedding suppliers in the area.
Ian Lloyd is one of the premier florists in the country, and I've known him for several years.  He runs the Flower Shop in Wilmslow, and asked me if I'd like to create some images for a new advert he wanted to run in bridal magazines.  Of course, Ian knows a lot of people in the wedding industry, including many other photographers, so I was flattered by his request.
He wanted to shoot the images at Arley Hall, a place I know well and work at regularly.  I introduced him to Katie and Lesley, who run Lace Bridal in Hale, people I've also known for several years, and who provide stunning designer wedding gowns.  They were delighted to be asked to be part of the shoot and suggested a dress by Vintage Rose Bridal.  
One of the things I most admire about Ian is his inventiveness.  He's most definitely not afraid to think outside the box.  So, we decided that in this bridal shoot there would be no bridal bouquets - instead Ian would create other object to illustrate his skills, and to complement the dresses and setting.
Here are some of the results:

Make up on the day was provided by Allysa Moss, who runs Blush by Allysa.  She can be contacted at  It was a welcome return to Arley for Allysa, whose wedding I shot there in 2006!
Hair was done by Joe, one of the stylists at Peter Marcus hair salon in central Manchester.  Thanks to you both for all your hard work on the day.  And a special thank you to Roweena, our model for the day.
Last, but by no means least, the whole day was filmed by Craig from Unforgettable Memories, a fine videographer and all-round good guy.  His film can be viewed here.

Please enjoy the photographs and feel free to leave a comment.

If you have any products you'd like photographing, either on location or in the studio, please give me a call on 01565 777186 or email me at to discuss the project.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Model portfolio portraits

As I've said many times before, I'm first and foremost a people photographer.  Rarely a week goes by when I'm not making a portrait for someone.  But within that broad term are a variety of subtle differences. 

If you're in business and want a portrait to put on your website or to use as a Twitter avatar, you probably want  a quite simple shot, evenly lit and against a neutral background.  The aim of such a  portrait is simply to let people know who you are; you want to let your audience know what you look like.  

If I'm making a portrait of you and your family, the intended audience is quite different.  This may be for hanging on a wall at home, acting as a record of you all at a certain time, when the kids were a certain age. It may well be an environmental portrait, shot in your own home.  It will certainly be much less formal than the business portrait I've described above.  After all, it's designed to show the love and affection between the members of the family, and to reveal a little more of their personalities.  

Dan is a young man I've photographed before and, if you want to see the results of that first shoot, they can be seen here.  He's recently decided he wants to approach some modelling agencies and asked me if I'd shoot some studio portraits for him to take to appointments, and to form part of his portfolio.

The intended audience for these images is casting directors, who will want a good idea of Dan's 'look'.  I've deliberately kept the lighting and background simple for that reason.  Obviously, these portraits have to show more direction and demonstrate Dan's ability to pose - they are vital to the career that Dan wants to move into.  

Please feel free to leave a comment on the photographs.  

If you are an aspiring model or actor (or even an established one!) and would like to enquire about portfolio shots please contact me at the studio on 01565 777186 or by email at   

Monday, 9 January 2012

The Profile Club - new South Manchester Networking

Last month I was asked by Barbara Hallwood of Marketing Profile to attend and photograph the launch of her new business project, the Profile Club.  

I've known Barbara for a number of years, both as Chief Executive of the Altrincham & Sale Chamber of Commerce and as the MD of her own marketing and PR company, Marketing Profile.  We've worked together on many occasions at many events that she's organised.  It's always a great pleasure and compliment to be asked by her to photograph the events, as I know the high standards she sets herself and which, by extension, she expects of everything associated with her company.  It's very flattering that she thinks I live up to those standards. 

The Profile Club is a networking club with a difference.  It's by invitation only, and aimed at key decision makers in companies.  As well as providing a forum for meeting and networking, it will also offer special benefits to members.  The website has more information.  

The event was a breakfast launch at the Manchester Airport Marriott Hotel.  Barbara wanted some images showing the launch of the club for press and PR use, and to start the archive of the club's networking meetings.  Here are just a small selection of images from the occasion:

The next networking meeting will be on Friday 27th January, again at the Manchester Airport Marriott hotel.  If you'd like more information about the Profile Club, please visit their website or contact Barbara Hallwood at Marketing Profile.

I'll be there again, to photograph events and meet the new members who have joined since the inaugural breakfast.  

PR and event photography is only one of the areas of commercial photography I undertake.  Please visit  my website, for a fuller picture of what I can do for you and your business.   Alternatively, email me at or phone the studio on 01565 777186.  

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave a comment.