Monday, 9 January 2012

The Profile Club - new South Manchester Networking

Last month I was asked by Barbara Hallwood of Marketing Profile to attend and photograph the launch of her new business project, the Profile Club.  

I've known Barbara for a number of years, both as Chief Executive of the Altrincham & Sale Chamber of Commerce and as the MD of her own marketing and PR company, Marketing Profile.  We've worked together on many occasions at many events that she's organised.  It's always a great pleasure and compliment to be asked by her to photograph the events, as I know the high standards she sets herself and which, by extension, she expects of everything associated with her company.  It's very flattering that she thinks I live up to those standards. 

The Profile Club is a networking club with a difference.  It's by invitation only, and aimed at key decision makers in companies.  As well as providing a forum for meeting and networking, it will also offer special benefits to members.  The website has more information.  

The event was a breakfast launch at the Manchester Airport Marriott Hotel.  Barbara wanted some images showing the launch of the club for press and PR use, and to start the archive of the club's networking meetings.  Here are just a small selection of images from the occasion:

The next networking meeting will be on Friday 27th January, again at the Manchester Airport Marriott hotel.  If you'd like more information about the Profile Club, please visit their website or contact Barbara Hallwood at Marketing Profile.

I'll be there again, to photograph events and meet the new members who have joined since the inaugural breakfast.  

PR and event photography is only one of the areas of commercial photography I undertake.  Please visit  my website, for a fuller picture of what I can do for you and your business.   Alternatively, email me at or phone the studio on 01565 777186.  

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave a comment.

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