Friday, 16 September 2011

Commercial photography in Altrincham

The beauty of commercial photography is that no two jobs are ever the same.  

I was contacted recently by Ian from Bluebird Care.  He got my details through the Altrincham and Sale Chamber of Commerce, for whom I do a lot of work.  He's opened up a new office in Altrincham and is preparing a press release to announce the company's arrival in the area.  He contacted me to photograph him and his staff, to provide images that could accompany the press release.  

Bluebird Care provides home care for the elderly, the sick and people with disabilities.  The purpose of the press release, aside from announcing the company's arrival in the area,  was to enable people to match names to faces, and to convey the company's branding, as displayed on the staff uniforms worn by the care workers.

These shots were taken in the building where the company has its office.  To begin, a team shot: 

The branded uniforms that the care workers wear.

 Simple portraits that have a multitude of uses; to go out on press releases, social media profiles, the noticeboard in the office, a website page, etc.

Many thanks to Ian for asking for my help in promoting his company.

More examples of my commercial portraits, along with the other commercial photography I shoot, can be found on

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