Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Chamber of Commerce mixer at Altrincham Football Club

The end of summer means that the mixers put on by the Altrincham & Sale Chamber of Commerce have restarted, the latest one being hosted by Altrincham FC.

The great thing, from a photographic point of view, about the mixers is that they are all held at different venues, so presenting a completely different set of opportunities and challenges each time.  At Altrincham FC the first obvious observation, once you arrive, is that there is actually very little 'inside'.  The pitch dominates, so it seemed only natural that I should take the Chamber President, Chief Executive and Chairman of the Football Club out onto it for some portraits.

The networking itself was being held in the executive suite.  There were talks from Tony Collier, the Chamber President and Managing Partner of Milner Boardman , Jake Harrop who runs Safety Net It, and Peter Foster from the football club.

The Club had opened the ground for tours, so I was able to visit the changing rooms and take these shots of the kit all set out ready for the next game.   It's a part of my job that I love, being able to see places and things that very often are not seen by the general public.  On any job I always look out for an unusual shot - something that isn't usually seen, or an unusual angle of view of something familiar.  

The next Chamber event will be the Autumn Lunch held at the Cresta Court hotel on 19th October.

If you have a forthcoming event and would be interested in me photographing it for you then please give me a call at the studio on 01565 777186 or contact me by email.   More examples of my event and other commercial photography work can be viewed on my website.

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