Friday, 9 April 2010

Another spring wedding at Nunsmere Hall Hotel

Well, after another busy week and a couple of great lifestyle shoots, it's back to Nunsmere Hall Hotel tomorrow to shoot the wedding of Mel Jackson and Jeff Lowe.

Last week I was there for the wedding of Sharon and Mike and the hotel coped brilliantly with a power cut that affected the whole of the area and a large part of Cheshire!  The chef produced a fabulous wedding breakfast, cooking by candlelight, and the hotel had managed to get a generator hooked up by the time the DJ needed to get the party started. 

The power cut didn't affect me really, of course, as I'm quite used to shooting in all kinds of light conditions and using all the available light to get the best pictures. But I was helped by the fact that the weather was fine and all the rooms were light with sunlight and then candlelight.

Keeping my fingers crossed for power for the chef and sunshine for the bride and groom tomorrow!

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