Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Happy anniversary Holly and James

Exactly a year ago I had the privilege and pleasure to photograph the wedding at Arley Hall between Holly Gunn and James Bretel.  I look out of the window today at a beautiful, if cold, day - gorgeous November sunshine and still some colour on the trees from the leaves.  How different it was a year ago!  The rain hardly let up all day, it was grey and miserable outdoors.  However, the wedding was one of the most pleasurable I shot last year.  No way were the bride and groom going to let the weather spoil the greatest day of their lives.  Fun, excitement and enjoyment were visible everywhere.  In fact, I submitted one of my favourite images from the day into an international competition, where it won a bronze prize (see the last post for details). 

The wedding photographs are still available to view online in the client area of my website, but you'll need to ask Holly or James for the password if you don't know it.

Very happy anniversary Holly and James.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

International Aperture Awards 2010

I don't normally enter competitions.  I honestly don't know why, but it's something I rarely do.  But earlier this year I did put an entry into the International Aperture Awards.  This is a competition that attracts entries from over 90 countries around the world, and thousands of entries from professional photographers.  There are various categories, covering all kinds of photography, including weddings.

Earlier this week I received news that I'd received a Bronze Award for my entry.  So I'm chuffed to say the least.  It's rewarding to know that not only do my clients like the work I do for them (and Holly and James, at whose wedding the image was captured, are completely lovely people and have been so complimentary that it makes me blush), but that my photographic peers rate what I do as well.

Not often that I blow my own trumpet, but today I feel it's a bit justified.

Here's the shot I entered.

Once again, thank you Holly and James for such a wonderfully fun day (despite the rain). 

Plenty more of my work is available to view on my website